Tooth Extraction Los Angeles

If you feel you are need of an emergency tooth extraction, or if you need to schedule an appointment for a tooth extraction with a Los Angeles Dentist, Dr. Dean Salo is ready to help.

Tooth extraction is a common practice to aid in the defense against severe tooth decay, periodontal disease and or broken teeth that cannot be repaired. Tooth extractions are usually reserved for emergency situations, so our Los Angeles specialists usually try to save this option after all other options have been discussed with the patient and explored.

Tooth Extraction Process

Our Los Angeles office begins the extraction procedure by numbing the area around the jawbone as well as the gum and tooth. Local anesthetics are also used during the procedure as needed.

Patients often report experiencing pressure throughout the tooth extraction. These symptoms can be attributed to the fact that our dental specialists must widen the tooth socket to prep the area for removal. Patients report feeling pressure, but local anesthetics numb the nerves to stop any pain.

If you happen to feel any pain during the tooth extraction process, let one of our dental staff know immediately.

In situations where teeth are lodged in the socket with no room for additional expansion, teeth are cut or sectioned in order to be removed in sections.

Tooth Extraction Recovery

After your doctor has successfully extracted the tooth, it is crucial to forming a blood clot. You will be instructed by your doctor or a staff member to bite onto a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes or until the bleeding has stopped. Do not be concerned if this takes more than 45 minutes.

Once the blood has successfully clotted, it is important to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or brushing or rinsing your mouth too vigorously for 72 hours. This will ensure that you see the best healing results in the shortest amount of time.

Swelling and pain are common after tooth extractions. Pain medications should be used as prescribed by your doctor. You should be able to resume your day-to-day activities after a few days. You should immediately call our office if you are in severe pain, see swelling lasting for 2-3 days, notice a reaction to the medication, or are bleeding heavily.


For more information regarding Tooth Extractions or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dean Salo, call Los Angeles Office Phone Number 323-933-2400.