Gum Disease Laser Therapy

Gum disease, or Periodontitis, occurs when bacteria finds its way under the gum line. Bacteria collects and hardens below the gum line creating pockets between the gum and tooth. An average of 7% of Americans will experience some form of periodontal disease sometime in their life. Only 3% of those individuals will receive proper treatment before symptoms progress to a point where it is too late.

Gum disease is slow, silent and painless. Symptoms usually go unnoticed until severe damage has already occurred. Once symptoms progress to a point where chronic pain is felt, the disease is usually already in later stages of progression. If left untreated, gum disease can cause severe pain and eventual tooth loss.

Modern technology allows doctors to battle gum disease and preserve remaining gum tissue through the use of lasers. Laser therapy gently evaporates and disinfects damaged and infected tissue. Laser technology allows doctors to disinfect areas both around the gum pocket as well as inside. This process effectively stops the gradual decay of the gum and bone allowing the gum time to properly heal.

Gum disease laser therapy requires an average of 2-8 routine visits to ensure the infected area is properly disinfected to allow the gum to properly heal.

Laser therapy is gentle and has a quick recovery time. In severe cases of periodontal disease, surgery may still be required, however, for mild cases laser therapy treatment is a much more comfortable and effective option.

For more information about Gum Disease Laser Therapy or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dean Salo, call Los Angeles Office Phone Number 323-933-2400.