Dentist Los Angeles Teeth Cleaning

Dental cleanings are performed in order to thoroughly clean teeth and gums. Teeth cleaning is vital in stopping the progression of gingivitis as well as advanced periodontal disease.

Schedule Your Next Teeth Cleaning

Call Los Angeles Office Phone Number 323-933-2400 to schedule your teeth cleaning appointment today!

Benefits Of Prophylaxis:

  • Plaque: Tartar, also called calculus can lead to additional dental complications including gingivitis and periodontitis. Even with proper home care, it is often impossible to completely remove all debris from the gumline and teeth. Because of this, bacteria grows and solidifies forming deposits that require the experienced eye of a dentist or hygienist to treat. It is important to treat these symptoms before any damage is reached
  • Healthy Smile: Yellow and stained teeth can be embarrassing and decrease the aesthetics of a smile. Prophylaxis is an effective treatment in ridding the teeth of stains and discoloration.
  • Fresh Breath: Halitosis or bad breath is generally associated with the advancement of gum disease. Halitosis is most commonly found through a combination of rotting food particles as well as gangrene stemming from gum infections. Prophylaxis allows the removal of plaque and problem areas in order to drastically improve halitosis as well as reduce infection.

It is recommended that Prophylaxis be performed once every 6 months as a preventative measure. For individuals who are currently suffering from periodontitis, dental cleanings should be scheduled once every 3 – 4 months depending on the severity of your situation. Gum disease cannot be completely reversed, so it is important to maintain good oral hygiene to effectively halt the progression of the disease.

For more information about Teeth Cleaning or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dean Salo, call Los Angeles Office Phone Number 323-933-2400.